Ask the Yogi: Wild Energy in Backbends

Wild Energy in Backbends Q: I have noticed that after doing a night of backbends I am filled with this sort of wild energy.  Sometimes it can make it difficult to sleep.  Some off my classmates also have the same experience.  What’s going on?More than any other pose, backbends have the potential to open up the heart, which is the …

Ask the Yogi: Twists

Ask The Yogi Twists and Calmness Question: Why do twists, which are often challenging postures, often have such a calming effect? Answer:  This question can be answered at many levels, which ultimately all flow together, linking physiological and anatomical details to amazing sensations of wholeness and integration. The muscular-skeletal system provides structural stability and controlled mobility, which allow you to …

Ask The Yogi – Bored with practice

Boredom Q: I love yoga and coming to class. At times, like with anything, my routine can get monotonous. Do any of you ever feel you need to take a break with yoga or change it around? My day wouldn’t be complete without my morning routine. It’s like my coffee to get me going for the day and puts me …

Terrifying Meditation

Ask The Yogi Terrifying Meditation with guest ‘Yogi’ Maredith Q: I was meditating recently, looking into a mirror in a class when I saw what, for me was a terrifying sight.  My body began to decay like a corpse right before my eyes.  The only thing left on my face were my eyes, perfectly unchanged by the situation, the little …

Ask the Yogi – Yoga and Insomnia

Yoga and Insomnia Q:  Is there a particular pose or flow of poses condusive to reducing insomnia? A: Your question really depends on the cause of Insomnia.  Is it stress?  Diet can play a huge role in healthy sleep and their are many excellent supplements and herbs that can aid in healthy sleep.  Do you have a proper circadian rhythm?  Some …

Ask the Yogi – Yoga and Healing the Spine

Yoga and Healing the Spine Q: I am busy 36 year old mother of two young boys and a business owner.  For as longs as I can remember I have suffered from low back, butt, hip and leg pain.  Any advice? I have no idea why I’ve ignored the pain and tried to push through it by adding more physical activity …

Ask the Yogi – Yoga and Headaches

Headaches and Yoga (Answered by Michelle Hegmon) Q: After yoga class the next day I usually have a mild headache (i think this is due to dehydration), and once that goes away, and it does, i still have a head cold feeling. What causes this? A: You’ve raised lots of possible questions, and there are lots of possible answers.  In order to …

Ask the Yogi-Urdhva Dhaurasana

Strength for Practicing Deep Backbends Q. How do I get strong enough to do urdhva dhanurasana? A.  A:  Urdhva Dhanurasana or Upward-Facing Bow is a deep backbend requiring the significant integration of strength, flexibility and alignment.  It also requires a fairly open thoracic spine and a harmonic integration of the heart, rib cage and shoulders.  Many people believe that it …

Ask The Yogi – Uddiyana Bhanda

Uddiyana Bandha Q: I think I’m engaging uddiyana bandha wrong — my stomach has started to pull out and, rather than pulling in and having a thinning effect, it is now out at the level of my ribs. When I engage my bhanda, I contract the muscles below my navel.  Should I be sucking them in instead? A: Uddiyana Bandha is …

Ask the Yogi: Teaching Jobs and Competition

Ask The Yogi Teaching Jobs and Competition Q. The competition for classes to teach appears to be intense, people who were your friend before you were qualified to teach a class, suddenly are no longer friendly when you can teach the classes that they do.  Sure, everyone has to make a living but we thought being yogis would make us …