Ask The Yogi Pranayama and Metabolism Q. I have heard that starting the day with breakfast is needed to get the metabolism going… My question is around getting the metabolism going with breath work. Would the metabolic system increase in activity in the same fashion as with breakfast (I am thinking of a breatharian, too.) I think that beginning the …
Ask The Yogi: Panic Attacks
Ask The Yogi Q: I have suddenly started to experience some very annoying and hindering panic attacks. There should be no apparent reason for this, as I am doing what I love (teach keep fit and dance) and generally feel quite happy with myself but somewhere along my way I have lost all confidence in myself and forever worry about …
Ask the Yogi: Love in Sanskrit
Q. What is “Love” in Sanskrit? A. Your question about what love is in Sanskrit intrigued me a bit. So I looked at an online dictionary and found that, in addition to bhakti, there are literally over a hundred entries! I thought of Eskimos and how many different words they had for snow, describiing the subtle nuances and differences and thought …
Ask the Yogi: Round Back in Forward Bends
Ask the Yogi: Round Back in Forward Bends Ask The Yogi Q: My back always rounds in forward bends. Is this a problem? A: A round back in forward bends can be the result of several different forces. Tight shoulders, “armored” thoracic spine, weak lower back or abdominal wall and the most common causes of tight hips or hamstrings. Usually a …
Ask The Yogi: Follow Your Dharma
Follow Your Dharma: The Difference Between Quitting and Surrender By Jeff Martens In the Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna rides with his chariot driver Krishna (an avatar or God incarnate) into a no-man’s land between two vast armies about to wage war. After seeing friends, teachers, family cousins and brothers arrayed on both sides of the battlefield, Arjuna, the greatest archer of his …
Ask the Yogi: Fasting and Exercise
Ask The Yogi Fasting and Exercise Q. My husband and I are going to do the Stanley Burroughs Master Cleanse. We started once last year but only made it through 2 days. Tried to do it while camping … bad idea :o} I am wondering if you have known of anyone else who has done this? I understand from the …
Ask the Yogi: Downward Dog
Ask the Yogi: Downward Dog Ask The Yogi Q: How do I get my heels down in downward dog? A: Adho Mukha Svanasana or downward facing dog is one of the most comon yoga postures practiced in class. It can also be one of the most challenging… Downward-Facing Dog is particularly challenging to new students because it works alomost every part of …
Ask The Yogi: Relax Like the Dead
Ask The Yogi Savasana by Michele Dante Question: “I find corpse pose to be the hardest for me to practice. My mind races, thoughts come and go, music is in my head, and so I find it very difficult to concentrate on the sensation of the breath and deep realxation. Is there something you can recommend that will help me?” …
Ask The Yogi: OK to Drink Water?
Ask The Yogi: OK to drink Water? Ask The Yogi Q: Is it wrong to drink water while practicing yoga? A: The short answer is no, of course not. If you are truly thirsty… But that is a big “if”. As your practice develops over the years, you most likely will find that you rarely need to drink water during …
Ask The Yogi – Kundalini
Ask The Yogi Kundalini and experiencing ‘the rise of spiritual energy’ Q: What does it mean to be eaten up by the flame in kundalini? I have had shocks of energy at the base of my spine that lead up to and out of my head giving me head aches. What does awaking through all this weird energy mean? Is this …