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Healing Emphasis Yoga Therapy Master Training Testimonials

(Above picture: Donna Martens, Healing Emphasis Yoga on the road in Alaska) Who are our students? Graduates of the Healing Emphasis Yoga Therapy master Training Program come from all walks of life including nurses, psychiatrists, therapists, physical therapists, school counselors, yoga teachers, mothers and fathers, school teachers and many many more… This Yoga therapy teacher training program has been changing …


by Jeff Martens Closing the Door Houdini was the world’s greatest escape artist.  To get free publicity on his world tour he would go to jails in different cities where he was putting on a show and he would challenge the local police department to lock him up in their highest security cell.  He would then attempt to escape from …

To Sweat or Not to Sweat

By Aaron Goldberg I see people cringe daily at my mere mention of practicing heated yoga in a 100 degree room. Unless you have already discovered the benefits of this practice, you probably think that people are crazy to stand in a room and exercise in that environment. And you might be right! But being a practitioner of heated yoga, …

The Play of Life (Leela)

 by Jeff Martens Several years ago Norbert Rosing, a photographer, was traveling with a dog handler around Hudson Bay near the Arctic Circle.  Rosing was photographing a group of tethered huskies at sunset when a hungry 1200 pound male polar bear stalked onto the scene.  Now polar bears and huskies are considered to be natural enemies in the wild and …

The Way You Are

by Jeff Martens You are the way you are because you tell yourself you are that way. – Don Juan to Carlos Castaneda Notice how you are feeling right now.  Become aware of your body, your energy level, your attitude.  What do you notice to be your experience of yourself in this moment? Now consider this: You are the way …

What is My (Sacred) Work?

by Jeff Martens Long ago there was a village in a high mountain valley led by a holy man, a Master.  Each day the people would consult with the holy man to see if there was anything they needed to do for that day.  One morning they were all gathered and meditating in the stillness of the town center when …

Maredith Estrada-Schroeder – Teacher & 200 HR Admin

Maredith Estrada-Schroeder R.Y.T. is Administrator of Teacher Training and Assistant Director of 200 Hour Teacher Training. She has a passion, energy, and dedication for the art of yoga. A lover of adventure, travel, and children, she sees beauty in all things and encourages others to see it as well in their yoga practice and daily life. With great humor and joy, …

You Are Made of Faith

by Jeff Martens Shraddhâ-vîrya-smrti-samâdhi-prajnâ-pûrvaka itareshâm. Faith, vitality, mindful recollection, and knowledge of oneness form the path of unity for those not born in the state of yoga Yoga Sutra 1.20 Long ago there was a village caught in the grip of a great draught that was causing much suffering. All of the people began to worry as the weeks turned …

Once I was Blind… Living Yoga on a Cellular Level

By Jeff Martens  Your cells are blind.  They don’t have ears.  And their sense of smell leaves much to be desired.  What they do have though are inter-membrane proteins.  And this is the key to putting a smile on your cell’s DNA (or a frown). In yoga, the teaching of samtosha or fulfillment is the secret of contentment and gratitude …

Ask the Yogi: Twists

Ask The Yogi Twists and Calmness Question: Why do twists, which are often challenging postures, often have such a calming effect? Answer:  This question can be answered at many levels, which ultimately all flow together, linking physiological and anatomical details to amazing sensations of wholeness and integration. The muscular-skeletal system provides structural stability and controlled mobility, which allow you to …