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“Ultimate Yoga Practice”

Patanjali’s Eight Limbs of Yoga by Jeff Martens Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, the definitive classical yoga teaching written sometime around 300-250 BC, outlines eight limbs of yoga as a way of life.  According to patanjali and many other Masters, we suffer because we have forgotten our Spiritual identity.  Yet Yoga is not a religion; it embraces all religions or Spiritual beliefs, …

“The Student, the Master and the Rock”

Practice and Letting Go abhyasa vairagyabhyam tannirodaha  Yoga Sutra 1.12 “Effort and surrender cease the fluctuations of consciousness.” With practice and letting go we achieve the state of yoga… Once there was a seeker who went from master to master searching for the key to enlightenment.  Every master he went to appeared to give him something different.  The first master …

“The Frog and the Well”

Even Frogs Can Gather Honey by Jeff Martens Once upon a time there was a frog that lived his whole life in a cool, shaded well.  One day a beautiful white bird landed at the well, enormous wings folding over legs that were tall and straight. “Who are you?” asked the frog. “I am a crane.  I eat pearls at …

Be In The Moment

by Peggy The room at the ASU Student Center is huge, and cold, and filled with young students.  I am 50 and at my first yoga class.  Its hard.  I cant fold or balance.  Even sitting with my legs crossed is hard to do for 5 minutes.  I think, “How can I do any of this if I cant even …

“Creating” Change

by Jeff Martens Sabda jnana anupati vastusunya vikalpah Imagination is the vacillating knowledge of an object based on words or expression, though the object itself is absent. –Yoga Sutra I.9 Spiritual Masters often remind us, as we think so shall we become.  According to Patanjali, the grandfather of classical yoga philosophy, imagination can be used to help or hinder us …

Yoga and Nutrition

By Jeff Martens As you eat, so shall ye become.  What you put into your body becomes the building blocks for your physical body.  What are you putting into your body? We have all felt energized by a good diet.  We have also felt the results of eating unhealthy or impure foods.  A nutritional Yogic diet is most often a …

Too Much Meditation?

Q: I have seen many chakra medtations and read of many more.  My question is, how often can someone meditate on the chakras daily?  What is too much? A:  How much meditation is too much? There was once a young woman who was searching the world over for a true master to give her the secrets of life.  She felt that …

The Target

 by Jeff Martens sarvahrthataikahgratayoho kshayodayau cittasya samahdhi-parinahmaha Inner wholeness dawns when the mind’s many wanderings collapse into one-pointed focus. Yoga Sutra 3.11 The Zen Master Rinzai was known far and wide throughout the land as the greatest living archer.  Bowmen of all levels would come from great distances to be near him and perchance, to see him practice his art.  …