Karen Santini, a RYT 500 teacher, first started practicing yoga in 2003. Having received a black belt in Taekwondo in 2001, Karen was looking for movement with less impact to stay healthy. She first came to yoga as a way to stay fit, manage her scoliosis and find stress relief. She still finds all those things, but her practice has blossomed into so much more. She has learned to breathe through discomfort, stop muscling her way through situations she may not yet be ready for and has learned to embrace her imperfections, (Karen calls herself a recovering perfectionist). She has learned to quiet her doubts and trust in herself. Karen considers herself a lifelong student and continues to attend workshops and classes to continue to grow in her practice and her teaching.
Karen encourages students to rediscover the strength, freedom and peace they have within themselves so they become an unstoppable force and may live and practice from a place of unlimited possibilities.