Class Levels:
– Soothing and Calming
– Foundation Building
– Active – All Levels/strong beginner
– It’s a workout!
All and
classes are appropriate for new practitioners.
Note: Not all classes listed may be currently offered on the schedule.
Level 1
Fundamental Postures oriented around breathing principles, healing alignment, building focus and increasing relaxation and well-being. Everyone welcome, appropriate for all levels.
Level 1/Flow
Fundamental Postures to reinforce foundation and focus, combined with a gentle vinyasa flow teaching the basics of movement with breath. Everyone welcome, appropriate for all levels.
26 Posture Class – 60 minutes:
The same classic series as the R26 class but in an hour format with many postures done once. Excellent yet exceptional workout. Includes HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) mat pilates sequence for core integration. Beginners and advanced students welcome. Former Bikram Yoga students will love this class with extra alignment and CORE work.
Strong practice using basic yoga poses enhanced to focus on core muscle strengthening and deep-muscle stretching. A STRONG CORE needs relaxation as much as strength. This class Relieves deeply held stress in back and core abdominal muscles as it strengthens and stretches. Modifications make the class appropriate for all (available to beginners who have the intention of strengthening the core). Click here for more info on far infrared heat. All levels welcome/ strong beginner.
Level 1-2
Fundamental postures in an uptempo class with an emphasis on strength, alignment and stamina. All levels; strong beginner.
Level 2
Dynamic sequencing intended to challenge and inspire; Intermediate to advanced class develops concentration, strength and advanced yoga technique. Not appropriate for beginners or those working with injuries.
Guided Visualization for Sleep and Stress Release
A journey into guided imagery can provide relaxation, insight and ignite inner wisdom. Relieve physical and mental tension, alleviate stressors and tap into that place where you can truly rest, recover, rejuvenate, and most importantly, find yourself.
A balance of deeply held, fully supported postures to promote flexibility, suppleness of joints and conscious relaxation. Bolsters, blankets and props provided. All are welcome.

Sound can be an express elevator to higher mind or a mind free of distractions. Raising your voice in sound as a vehicle to find deep abiding peace, delight and a greater understanding of your nature.
Deeply held postures (3-5 minute stretches) that target joint capsules and fascial knots with a meditative focus to release back, hips, shoulders and legs. The profound depth of poses develops stillness and reduces stiffness, freeing up joints an improving overall well-being. Can be very rewarding for those with stiffness or chronic pain, develops focus and stillness.
Yin/Yang Flow
An active class, nice workout complimented by graceful, deep stretching to promote the discovery of stillness in action.
Yin /Restorative
Deeply nurturing series of yin (low, slow stretches) and restorative poses and meditation. Helps to improve flexibility, calm the mind and open and soothe the body. All are welcome. Peaceful and calming.
Specialty Classes
Candlelight Slow Flow and Meditation
THESE FORMATS ARE AVAILABLE IN WORKSHOPS. Slow flow of fundamental postures followed by 10 minutes of guided meditation. Relax, renew and revitalize your mind and body. Everyone welcome, and appropriate for all levels.
“Intro to Yoga” is now Level 1
This class will introduce you to Yoga in a safe, enjoyable way with a goal towards creating a life long practice. Intro to Yoga is a fun and gentle introduction to basic breathing principles, pose alignment, meditation and relaxation. The Class is 1 hr.
Note: ALL of our Radiant Hot classes utilize the latest, best European manufactured Far-infrared heating technology!
Radiant Hot CORE + CSR
Strong practice using basic yoga poses enhanced to focus on core muscle strengthening and deep-muscle stretching. Incredible workout. Relieves deeply held stress in back and psoas muscles. Modifications make the class appropriate for all (available to beginners who have the intention of strengthening the core). Incorporates yoga/healing philosophy. 60 min. Beginners and Advanced students welcome. Class concludes with Psoas deep release of core tension.
70 Minute Radiant HOT 26: 60 or 70 minutes
A classic series of 26 accessible held postures to promote detoxification, cardio endurance and increased flexibility in a temperature that builds up to 100+ degrees. A strong workout that systematically works all the joints, glands and muscles . Advanced alignment cues and radiant far infrared waves expand your practice to new horizons. Includes HITT and mat pilates sequence. Builds strength, reverses Osteoporosis, and builds bone density. Click here for more info on far infrared heat. Beginners welcome. Former Bikram Yoga students will love this class with extra alignment and CORE work.
Radiant HOT 26 Chillax – 60 or 70 minutes:
The same classic series as the Radiant HOT 26 class above with an added ICE PACK Chillax session in savasana (a relaxation pose) at the end to increase blood flow, reduce inflammation, improve focus and calm the mind. CHILLax adds targeted ice pack therapy in final resting savasana to increase circulation and healing at specific areas. Perfect for beginners and advanced practitioners alike, this set sequence systematically works all the joints, glands and muscles . Click here for more info on far infrared heat. Beginners and advanced students welcome. Former Bikram Yoga students will love this class with extra alignment and CORE work.
Radiant HOT 60 Flow
Deep cleansing 60 minute detox using heat and perspiration in a dual zoned room with temperatures at 94 and 100 degrees. A great workout for burning calories and weight loss. Builds strength, endurance and mental focus. Radiant far infrared waves warm the body to peak temperatures that promote ultimate health. Click here for more info on far infrared heat. All levels welcome.
Radiant Warm Yin
– Therapeutic, relaxing Yin class practiced in the Radiant heat that soothes tired muscles and helps heal joints and connective tissue. Meditative, relaxing, gently invigorating.
OFFERED occasionally with limited availability:
Warm Radiant Yang Flow + Yin
An active class in a Warm (not hot) room, complimented by graceful, deep stretching to promote the discovery of stillness in action. Feel the far infrared waves warm the body to a temperature that gives you just enough support to promote ultimate health. You will be glowing with wellness! (Active – All Levels/strong beginner)
Warm Radiant Core 60
An active and invigorating flow practiced in a warm (not hot) room, heated up 85-90 degrees with our far infrared radiant panels. This dynamically sequenced class will focus on strengthening and stabilizing the core using breath and movement and variations of sun salutations, standing balances, heart opening backbends and inversions. (Active – All Levels/strong beginner)
Radiant HOT Happy Hour!
Over one hour of Music, Moving and Making it all good! Discover your happy place in challengingly engaging poses as you detox and stretch away the workweek to a musical theme that is fun and invigorating. Deep relax at the end to get you primed for your weekend. All Levels welcome/ strong beginner.
Radiant HOT 75 Flow
Powerful 75 minute practice that is a strong workout for burning calories and weight loss in a dual zoned room with temperatures at 94 and 100 degrees. A flow that emphasizes stamina with brief strong holds that build strength, endurance and mental focus. Radiant far infrared waves warm the body to peak temperatures that promote ultimate health. Click here for more info on far infrared heat. All levels welcome.
Radiant Warm Unwind
Enjoy a soothingly warm (not hot) body-loosening flow that stays close to the ground followed by strength-building floor postures and deeper stretching on your mat to ease you into the remainder of your day. This class closes with a wonderful meditation and relaxing Savasana.
Note: Not all classes lists may be currently offered on the schedule.
Healing Emphasis Yoga™ (HEY)
Each class will have a special healing/strengthening Focus. HEY stands for Healing Emphasis Yoga Therapy™ More info.
HEY ™ – Core Strength and Stretch with CSR
Strong practice using basic yoga poses enhanced to focus on core muscle strengthening and deep-muscle stretching. Relieves deeply held stress in back and psoas muscles. Modifications make the class appropriate for all (available to beginners who have the intention of strengthening the core). Incorporates yoga/healing philosophy. 75 min. Suitable for strong beginners: Moderate intensity. Class will conclude with Psoas Release stretch and healing tremors.
HEY ™ – Radiant Hot Core Strength and Stretch with CSR – Same as above but with radiant far-infrared heat and stronger core work/release.
HEY ™ – Core Stress Release (CSR) ™ Yoga Therapy
Strength and Stretch for Lower Back and Psoas Release. Familiar sequence of poses to release core holdings and habits in the physical, mental and energetic bodies. Can bring healing throughout the whole body from head to toe, Neck to the sacroilliac joint and psoas. A good workout accessible to all levels. Includes psoas release before savasana. 75 min
HEY ™ – Extended Core Stress Release (CSR) Yoga TherapyTM with Yoga Nidra
A set sequence of poses designed to compassionately challenge the muscles and joints to release held physical tension while accessing the more subtle roots of past holding. Class will conclude with Psoas Release stretch and healing tremors. The source of many knots and dis-ease can be traceable or accompanied by fear rooted in the past and now stored in the body. The release of this tension can bring healing throughout the whole body. In this extended class, after we release the physical and energetic tension, we release the mind with a guided relaxation technique done in Savasana – Yoga Nidra*. A good workout accessible to all levels. (*Yoga Nidra is an ancient yogic technique of guided relaxation done while resting in Savasana. It induces deep relaxation proven to relieve stress, anxiety and tension deep in the core of our being.
HEY ™ – Feeling Good from the Inside Out
A gentle therapeutic practice that cultivates a clear mind, calm heart and a body of ease through a blending of deep myofascial release, stretching, neuromuscular re-patterning and strength-based restoration. Release old feelings, thoughts and emotions; regain postural integrity, core strength and flexibility in a slow paced peaceful atmosphere.
Work with an experienced and knowledgeable teacher to help you establish a home practice, work with physical challenges or injuries, deepen the therapeutic effects of your practice,and grow in physical or spiritual elements of your practice. For info on a private session with a certified Yoga Therapist please Learn more.
Note: Not all classes lists may be currently offered on the schedule.
KIDS Yoga!
(All levels welcome) Emphasis is on fun and experiencing wisdom through movement, breath and imagination! Ages 5-12.
Pre-natal Yoga
(Any level welcome) Gentle strengthening exercises to tone and relax mom’s body in preparation for childbirth. Provides a unique bonding time with your baby to connect through asanas, relaxation techniques and breath control. Prenatal yoga classes include yin relax, and gentle poses. Be sure to mention that you are pregnant and mention how far along you are in your pregnancy to your instructor.
Note: Not all classes lists may be currently offered on the schedule. View list of class series currently on offer.
Yoga4Cancer (Y4C)
Gentle yoga class appropriate for cancer patients, survivors, caretakers and anyone who is seeking a slower paced class.
QiGong Tai Chi
Gentle moving practice to reduce stress and improve focus, balance, posture and peace of mind. Can participate standing or seated. Each class features 6 easy Tai Chi movements and mindful centering, breathing, spinal flexibility & balancing exercises, self massage and optional walking Tai Chi final 15 minutes.
HEY Chair Yoga
Chair Yoga is a supported healing class done entirely from any type of chair. This class emphasizes breath work, building a healing focus and meditation to promote a greater sense of well-being and stress relief. Practice a variety of stretching and strengthening poses designed to increase circulation and strength so your movement is more stable. Poses are seated or reclined and practiced very slowly, so there is time to move without rush. Doctor’s medical release highly encouraged.
Yoga for Grief | Navigating Life After Loss
Discover the healing benefits of yoga in this 5-week course designed to help students heal from the effects of loss or change.
Private and Semi-Private Yoga
Work with an experienced and knowledgeable teacher to help you establish a home practice, work with physical challenges or injuries, deepen the therapeutic effects of your practice,and grow in physical or spiritual elements of your practice.